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Secretaria Tècnica,

A blind wanted to be a bank. He was blind most of his life, covering a window from the cold, saving the home from the heat of summer. One morning, while they were pulling the rope and she folded on herself, something failed and, pum!, The blinds were unlocked from the box that had held her for more than 20 years. They were going to throw it away, but it occurred to someone to take it to one of those workshops to recycle old furniture. It all started. A new beginning for that bank that all their lives had forced to be blind.

This could be the story of any of the furniture designed and produced in L’estoc. Here the carpenters have a special ability to find a new life to materials that no longer have it. Each piece of furniture recovered is assigned a number: in eight years they have more than 1,400 new beginnings, unique and unrepeatable.

“At first we worked with very classic materials, such as coils and pallets, materials that were already reaching their final period of life and that we saw that they had potential when transforming them into tables or shelves. Now we are in a very active phase of discovering new materials, such as recycled oak, or a wood that came to us from Romania, where they use it as insulation for houses and that is being wasted, ”says Jordi Mayals, partner and founder.

Why has someone decided that these materials have already run out of life? The potential to give new life really brings something very powerful: the fact that we are transforming things through materials that nobody wanted" adds Jordi.


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